Though the theme of “shadowbox” seems specific, the work will be extremely varied in subject matter and the use of materials (from taxidermy to crochet and everything in between). The exhibition features more than thirty local & national female-identifying artists. I’m looking forward to seeing my paintings displayed in such a diverse context and I hope some of you locals out there can make it! Here’s the Facebook Invite.
The artist reception is from 5:00 – 9:00 during Capitol Hill’s Second Thursday Artwalk on August 13th. Show is open August 13th – September 3rd, 2015.
Ghost Gallery, 504 E Denny Way, Seattle, WA (entrance faces Olive Way) Hours: TUE-FRI 11-7pm, SAT-SUN 11-6pm Monday by Appt

Participating artists include:
Amber Imrie-Situnayake (CA)
Amber Maykut (Brooklyn)
Anastasia Zielinski
Anne La Fever
Bunneah Munkeah
Caitlin McCormack (PA)
Clarita Hinojosa
Crystal Blanchflower
Danielle Schlunegger (CA)
Domonique Alesi (PA)
Donia (NYC)
Elizabeth Arzani
Emily Marie Clark
Holly Martz
Ilona Brustad
Inna Peck
Jessica Bonin
Jody Joldersma
Kaitlin Beckett (Melbourne)
Karla Fuller-Palmer
Krisna Schumann
Kristine Helgager
Laura Tempest Zakroff
Lisa Mei Ling Fong
Michelle Smith-Lewis
Meredith Stafford
Patricia Sullivan (NJ)
Rebecca Luncan
Rebecca Reeves (PA)
Shayna Yasuhara (CA)
Whitney Bashaw
Zoë Williams (NY)